
How to Celebrate Columbus Day

Columbus Day is almost here. Since holiday weekends are all about celebrating, why don't you change up your workout routine and try something different? After all, who wants to be stuck inside on the treadmill when you could be out enjoying the gorgeous fall weather? Here are three fun and fit ways you can get outside and enjoy Columbus Day:

1. Go apple picking. Or pumpkin, whichever you prefer! Between walking around and searching for the perfect pumpkins and apples, and then carrying them home, you could burn up to 175 calories in an hour. Plus, then you'll have an excuse to try out some delicious new fall recipes. 

2. Play some flag football. Instead of just watching the football on TV this weekend, round up some friends or family to play a game before you settle in to watch your favorite team. If football's not your thing, why not kick around a soccer ball? Even raking leaves burns calories and can be fun.

3. Go for a walk. If you find yourself at a loose end this weekend and you don't have to be at the office on Monday, this could be the perfect opportunity to go on a long, leisurely walk or hike. Maybe you're looking to explore a new neighborhood of your city, or there's a great hiking trail near you. If you're up for something a little more adventurous, go for a horseback ride. It's always fun to have a workout buddy, and there's something about working out with animals that just makes exercising more fun than doing it by yourself.

Happy Columbus Day!

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