
Behind the Scenes: Dick Page for Shiseido at United Bamboo

United Bamboo backstage was a flurry of models, dressers, clouds of Elnett hairspray and workers clad in the Fashion Week uniform – all black.

We were excited to be part of the experience and share our insights with you.  The excitement in the space was palpable.  To an untrained eye, the behind the scenes bedlam looked chaotic, but considering there was 60 minutes to get 15 models ready for the runway, the vibe was surprisingly composed - some might call this the calm before the storm.

The beauty team, spearheaded by
Dick Page, Shiseido Artistic Director, was calm and efficient, churning out the models like a well-oiled machine. 

Empowered by the behind the scenes energy, we briefly chatted him about the look.
He told us that only two days before the show, Page met with the designer, stylists and the hair team to establish the artistic tone of the collection.  Together they agreed on a polished, sophisticated, “downtown” look.

Page conceptualized creamy skin, illuminated eyes, luminous lips to achieve the lady-like effect.

STEP #1: Dick kept the skin moisturized, clean and natural-looking by applying a wash of foundation on fresh "canvas" to even the tone and cover up any redness or blemishes.  

STEP #2: Next, he applied a light dusting of Shiseido Makeup Translucent Loose Powder to leave the skin with a velvety finish.
STEP #1: Dick began by priming the eyes with a trace of translucent powder along upper lids.  

STEP #2: Then, with a fluff brush, he applied Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Patina from the lash line to the crease, going slightly beyond the crease to really make sure to get the color into the lash line and diffused the color towards the brow.

STEP #3:  Using a smaller fluff brush, Dick again applied the Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Patina along the lower lash line, making sure to blend and diffuse the shadow to avoid any harsh lines.

STEP #4:  Next, he applied the Shiseido Accentuating Cream Eyeliner in Black (#1) along the upper lash line, focusing the weight of the liner at the end of the eye.
STEP #5: Taking a fluff brush, Dick applied the Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Caviar (BK912) over the cream liner and blended upwards into the crease to create a slight “banana shape.”

STEP #6: Page applied the Shiseido Accentuating Cream Eyeliner in Black (#1) again over the Shiseido Shimmering Cream Eye Color in Caviar (BK912) to create more density around the lashes and finish the look.

STEP #7: To finish the eye look, Dick applied two coats of the Shiseido Perfect Mascara Full Definition Mascara in Black (BK901) to the upper lashes only to create an almost wet-lash effect.


STEP #1: Using a fluff brush, Dick applied the Shiseido Perfect Rouge Lipstick in Tawny (BR735) to the lip area. To ensure a soft effect, the lip color was diffused using fingertips to create an almost “nothing” lip tone.

STEP #2: Dick used a smaller fluff brush to apply the Shiseido Luminizing Satin Face Color in Soft Beam Gold (BE206) to the outer line of the lip to create a halo of beige shimmer.

STEP #3: To finish the look, Dick dabbed a bit more of the Shiseido Perfect Rouge Lipstick in Tawny (BR735) to the inner lower lip only.

Overall the look was polished, less glammy and runway ravishing.

There was a buzz in the air – maybe it was just the air conditioning - but outside the curtain, the editors, buyers, and VIPs awaited the start of show.  Suddenly the music began pulsing, the spotlights came to life, and the models traipsed the runway looking flawless in Page’s vision.

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